Rest assured: Growyx respects your privacy from the first contact.

Growyx understands the importance of preserving the online privacy of its customers, professional partners and all visitors to its website. We act in accordance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Law (Law nº 13.709/18) and we reaffirm our constant commitment to the transparency of our company.

We are open to discuss any queries you may have about how your data is being handled. If you want, you can contact us through our official channels :)

Last update: September 15, 2021


AV. Paulista, 1636

Conj 4, Pavimento 15


São Paulo – SP

CNPJ: 26.128.759/0001-48

It is extremely important that you carefully read this PRIVACY POLICY (also referred to as the “Policy”) before using GROWYX services.

GROWYX's principle is to preserve and protect your privacy and data. Through this Privacy Policy, we ensure that commitment.

By using our services, you agree and are aware of this Privacy Policy. Remembering that you can access it whenever you want, but it is essential that you read it before registering on the platform.

This Privacy Policy may change over time. Whenever it is modified, the date of the last modification will be indicated in the text. In addition, you will also receive an email informing you of the changes made, with a link to access the full text.

If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us at .

It is important to say that this Privacy Policy and the services provided by GROWYX are in accordance with the General Data Protection Law (Law No. 13,709). Like this Brazilian law, GROWYX also wants to guarantee people's rights in relation to their personal data.

So let's get down to business!

Your data is collected, stored and used by GROWYX in order to provide the best possible service for you.

Thus, in this Privacy Policy we explain, simply and directly:

●      What data is collected;

●      Why data is collected and what it is used for;

●      To whom and why your data is shared; It is

●      How your data is stored and protected.

Collecting data is nothing more than gaining access to personal information provided by you. This information allows you to be identified by us.

It is extremely important that you carefully read this PRIVACY POLICY (also referred to as the “Policy”) before using GROWYX services.

GROWYX's principle is to preserve and protect your privacy and data. Through this Privacy Policy, we ensure that commitment.

By using our services, you agree and are aware of this Privacy Policy. Remembering that you can access it whenever you want, but it is essential that you read it before registering on the platform.

This Privacy Policy may change over time. Whenever it is modified, the date of the last modification will be indicated in the text. In addition, you will also receive an email informing you of the changes made, with a link to access the full text.

If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us at .

It is important to say that this Privacy Policy and the services provided by GROWYX are in accordance with the General Data Protection Law (Law No. 13,709). Like this Brazilian law, GROWYX also wants to guarantee people's rights in relation to their personal data.

So let's get down to business!

Your data is collected, stored and used by GROWYX in order to provide the best possible service for you.

Thus, in this Privacy Policy we explain, simply and directly:

●      What data is collected;

●      Why data is collected and what it is used for;

●      To whom and why your data is shared; It is

●      How your data is stored and protected.

Collecting data is nothing more than gaining access to personal information provided by you. This information allows you to be identified by us.

1) What data do we collect?

We, at GROWYX, have access to USER information by completing our REGISTRATION FORM (“Form”).

The form requests the following information :


After completing the form, the user will have created a login and password to access GROWYX services through the platform. Access to the platform will be given by filling in the registered e-mail and password.

Eventually, it will be possible to register through Google or Facebook. It is hereby stipulated that, if the USER wishes to register through these sites, he must read their respective Privacy Policies, as this Privacy Policy does not include or involve the processing of data carried out by Google or Facebook.


In the event of loss of password, the e-mail will be used to recover and create a new password to access the platform. Through the application, directly, it is possible to reset the access password.

We, at GROWYX, have access to USER information by completing our REGISTRATION FORM (“Form”).

The form requests the following information :


After completing the form, the user will have created a login and password to access GROWYX services through the platform. Access to the platform will be given by filling in the registered e-mail and password.

Eventually, it will be possible to register through Google or Facebook. It is hereby stipulated that, if the USER wishes to register through these sites, he must read their respective Privacy Policies, as this Privacy Policy does not include or involve the processing of data carried out by Google or Facebook.


In the event of loss of password, the e-mail will be used to recover and create a new password to access the platform. Through the application, directly, it is possible to reset the access password.

2) What is the purpose of collecting this data?

This information and data is collected for the following purposes:

● Provide customer support service;

● Make personalized and direct contact with the customer;

● Create the minimum registration required to provide the service;

● Processing customer payments;

● Manage payments to be received by professionals;

● Carry out sending marketing messages, be it a contest, promotion, survey, among others, to maintain active customers;

● Sending periodic e-mails;

● Monitor the activities of the legal entity so that the Platform can fulfill its purpose, as provided for in the Terms and Conditions of Use and on our website; It is

● Constant improvement of services provided through the platform.

With this, we will be able to increasingly improve and customize the service for users, according to their preferences and needs, in addition to creating new services and functionalities for the GROWYX platform.

From this Privacy Policy, GROWYX makes it clear that it collects sensitive personal data. According to the LGPD, sensitive personal data is all personal data about racial or ethnic origin, religious conviction, political opinion, union membership or organization of a religious, philosophical or political nature, data referring to health or sex life, genetic or biometric data. , when linked to a natural person.

Thus, whenever this type of personal data is collected, GROWYX will indicate precisely the purpose of data collection, as well as require specific consent for the processing of said data. Consent for the collection and processing of this data will be collected when filling in this data on the platform.

Furthermore, GROWYX points out that the collection of sensitive data will not result, on the part of GROWYX, in any type of discrimination based on race, age, gender, ethnicity, nationality.

The photo collected when registering is considered sensitive personal data. Thus, when we request it, we will ask for your consent, as well as indicate precisely the reason for requesting it.

From now on, we would like to inform you that the photo is used so that it is possible to recognize the USERS.

This information and data is collected for the following purposes:

● Provide customer support service;

● Make personalized and direct contact with the customer;

● Create the minimum registration required to provide the service;

● Processing customer payments;

● Manage payments to be received by professionals;

● Carry out sending marketing messages, be it a contest, promotion, survey, among others, to maintain active customers;

● Sending periodic e-mails;

● Monitor the activities of the legal entity so that the Platform can fulfill its purpose, as provided for in the Terms and Conditions of Use and on our website; It is

● Constant improvement of services provided through the platform.

With this, we will be able to increasingly improve and customize the service for users, according to their preferences and needs, in addition to creating new services and functionalities for the GROWYX platform.

From this Privacy Policy, GROWYX makes it clear that it collects sensitive personal data. According to the LGPD, sensitive personal data is all personal data about racial or ethnic origin, religious conviction, political opinion, union membership or organization of a religious, philosophical or political nature, data referring to health or sex life, genetic or biometric data. , when linked to a natural person.

Thus, whenever this type of personal data is collected, GROWYX will indicate precisely the purpose of data collection, as well as require specific consent for the processing of said data. Consent for the collection and processing of this data will be collected when filling in this data on the platform.

Furthermore, GROWYX points out that the collection of sensitive data will not result, on the part of GROWYX, in any type of discrimination based on race, age, gender, ethnicity, nationality.

The photo collected when registering is considered sensitive personal data. Thus, when we request it, we will ask for your consent, as well as indicate precisely the reason for requesting it.

From now on, we would like to inform you that the photo is used so that it is possible to recognize the USERS.

3) Data storage

It is important to say that when we are going to request any personal data, even if they are not sensitive, we will always ask if you consent to provide them and we will also indicate, at the time of collection, for what purpose this information will be used, in a very clear way. and highlighted.


If the purpose of data use changes, we will contact you to request a new consent.

It is worth noting that the website identifies and stores information relating to users and visitors through Cookies.

The use of Cookies helps us remember and process your payments, understand and save your preferences for future visits, and compile aggregate data about traffic and site interaction so that we can offer you a better site and tools in the future. GROWYX may also hire third-party service providers to help the Platform and better understand the profile of visitors. In any case, these service providers are not authorized to use the collected information, except to help conduct and improve the GROWYX Platform.

In any case, any user is free to disable Cookies . To do this, simply deactivate the option for saving and reading data via Cookies, present in the settings of the browser used. It is also possible to prevent Cookies by the Antivirus system, if you have it installed on your computer or cell phone.

External links that may be present on our pages that lead to other websites, platforms or social networks (such as Facebook and Google) are not covered by this Privacy Policy. The addresses of these links may collect different information about you for other purposes and in other ways that differ from our policy, so we ask you to carefully review the Privacy Policies and Terms of Use of these respective services.

In the case of your financial data, after carrying out a transaction, this data will be stored for a period of at least 60 (sixty) days, so that you can have easy access to the site, without having to inform your data for payment whenever you make a transaction on the Platform.

It is important to say that when we are going to request any personal data, even if they are not sensitive, we will always ask if you consent to provide them and we will also indicate, at the time of collection, for what purpose this information will be used, in a very clear way. and highlighted.


If the purpose of data use changes, we will contact you to request a new consent.

It is worth noting that the website identifies and stores information relating to users and visitors through Cookies.

The use of Cookies helps us remember and process your payments, understand and save your preferences for future visits, and compile aggregate data about traffic and site interaction so that we can offer you a better site and tools in the future. GROWYX may also hire third-party service providers to help the Platform and better understand the profile of visitors. In any case, these service providers are not authorized to use the collected information, except to help conduct and improve the GROWYX Platform.

In any case, any user is free to disable Cookies . To do this, simply deactivate the option for saving and reading data via Cookies, present in the settings of the browser used. It is also possible to prevent Cookies by the Antivirus system, if you have it installed on your computer or cell phone.

External links that may be present on our pages that lead to other websites, platforms or social networks (such as Facebook and Google) are not covered by this Privacy Policy. The addresses of these links may collect different information about you for other purposes and in other ways that differ from our policy, so we ask you to carefully review the Privacy Policies and Terms of Use of these respective services.

In the case of your financial data, after carrying out a transaction, this data will be stored for a period of at least 60 (sixty) days, so that you can have easy access to the site, without having to inform your data for payment whenever you make a transaction on the Platform.

4) Data information and corrections

As provided for in the General Data Protection Law, you may, whenever you wish, request that GROWYX inform you which data we hold about you.

You can also correct some data, change it or update it and you have the right to request that your data be deleted at any time, as long as you no longer use or no longer want to use the GROWYX platform.

In addition, you can also contact us for information about the processing of your data. We will make this information freely and clearly available.

To have any information about your data, just contact us via email .

It is through this same email that you can request data portability and revoke your consent to data processing.

As provided for in the General Data Protection Law, you may, whenever you wish, request that GROWYX inform you which data we hold about you.

You can also correct some data, change it or update it and you have the right to request that your data be deleted at any time, as long as you no longer use or no longer want to use the GROWYX platform.

In addition, you can also contact us for information about the processing of your data. We will make this information freely and clearly available.

To have any information about your data, just contact us via email .

It is through this same email that you can request data portability and revoke your consent to data processing.

5) Data storage period and incident involving the data

The data collected by GROWYX are stored for a period of 3 (three) years from the end of the relationship between the USER and the Platform. This is the period necessary for this data to be processed, pursuant to art. 15 of the LGPD, and that the purposes of the treatment are fulfilled, mainly with regard to the sending of advertisements that are assertive and effective, as well as so that we can communicate and notify with continuity and periodicity the services that are being provided to our customers.


If we have an incident or accident involving data (data leakage, platform invasion, among others), we have an action procedure that consists of:

i) sending a notification to all persons – customers or not – who provided us with data by filling in the registration form, in order to alert about the incident and possible contacts and approaches made on behalf of GROWYX; It is

ii) in addition, we will indicate the security measures that we will use to mitigate the damage and, in addition, security measures that will be used to protect the data.

The data collected by GROWYX are stored for a period of 3 (three) years from the end of the relationship between the USER and the Platform. This is the period necessary for this data to be processed, pursuant to art. 15 of the LGPD, and that the purposes of the treatment are fulfilled, mainly with regard to the sending of advertisements that are assertive and effective, as well as so that we can communicate and notify with continuity and periodicity the services that are being provided to our customers.


If we have an incident or accident involving data (data leakage, platform invasion, among others), we have an action procedure that consists of:

i) sending a notification to all persons – customers or not – who provided us with data by filling in the registration form, in order to alert about the incident and possible contacts and approaches made on behalf of GROWYX; It is

ii) in addition, we will indicate the security measures that we will use to mitigate the damage and, in addition, security measures that will be used to protect the data.

6) Data custody and sharing

GROWYX aims to establish a relationship of trust with the data subject, through transparent action that aims to ensure the participation mechanisms of the subject.

In this sense, it is important to mention that GROWYX stores the data collected on a server in the cloud, called Google Cloud.

The integration of user data is done via SSL, which creates an encrypted channel for transferring data both for collecting information and using the application. Only after being encrypted, the data are inserted into the GROWYX database to which only authorized individuals have access, to whom maintaining the confidentiality of the information is mandatory.

It is worth remembering that this data is stored in order to maintain a commercial relationship and to provide services to the USER.

In addition, it is also worth mentioning: GROWYX does not sell, trade or transfer data that allow user identification to third parties. However, the Platform only shares the collected data (whether personal or commercial) with companies that are part of the same economic group as GROWYX, responsible for developing complementary solutions and, therefore, need such data for their regular functioning.

GROWYX will share the professional data of service providers with its customers, to enable the hiring of a remote technology team, as well as to guarantee the maximum possible accuracy in the selection of good professionals in accordance with the terms and conditions detailed in this term.

We remind you that all data provided by GROWYX will only be processed to achieve the purposes listed above. In addition, GROWYX and its USERS will use all best practice measures and certifications existing in the market to ensure that the data collected is processed safely, wherever the data is located.


Also, the service provider registered on the GROWYX platform may have his image and professional data displayed on any virtual page within the domain of GROWYX and other partner companies for advertising purposes.


Access to the service provider's profile is your sole responsibility, and must be carried out using a login and password, for personal use and non-transferable.

After sharing the provider's data with the customer, in the manner mentioned above, GROWYX will keep the information collected while the USER is registered on the Platform. we have legal, tax or judicial obligations to comply with such data.


In addition, the personal data of platform users will never be disclosed. However, in a way that is not identified and disconnected from users and visitors, the related data may eventually be used for the purpose of advertising the platform, generating real examples of its use.


Finally, data disclosure may also occur as long as it is required by law, for compliance with GROWYX policies or for the protection, security or exercise of rights on the Platform.

GROWYX aims to establish a relationship of trust with the data subject, through transparent action that aims to ensure the participation mechanisms of the subject.

In this sense, it is important to mention that GROWYX stores the data collected on a server in the cloud, called Google Cloud.

The integration of user data is done via SSL, which creates an encrypted channel for transferring data both for collecting information and using the application. Only after being encrypted, the data are inserted into the GROWYX database to which only authorized individuals have access, to whom maintaining the confidentiality of the information is mandatory.

It is worth remembering that this data is stored in order to maintain a commercial relationship and to provide services to the USER.

In addition, it is also worth mentioning: GROWYX does not sell, trade or transfer data that allow user identification to third parties. However, the Platform only shares the collected data (whether personal or commercial) with companies that are part of the same economic group as GROWYX, responsible for developing complementary solutions and, therefore, need such data for their regular functioning.

GROWYX will share the professional data of service providers with its customers, to enable the hiring of a remote technology team, as well as to guarantee the maximum possible accuracy in the selection of good professionals in accordance with the terms and conditions detailed in this term.

We remind you that all data provided by GROWYX will only be processed to achieve the purposes listed above. In addition, GROWYX and its USERS will use all best practice measures and certifications existing in the market to ensure that the data collected is processed safely, wherever the data is located.


Also, the service provider registered on the GROWYX platform may have his image and professional data displayed on any virtual page within the domain of GROWYX and other partner companies for advertising purposes.


Access to the service provider's profile is your sole responsibility, and must be carried out using a login and password, for personal use and non-transferable.

After sharing the provider's data with the customer, in the manner mentioned above, GROWYX will keep the information collected while the USER is registered on the Platform. we have legal, tax or judicial obligations to comply with such data.


In addition, the personal data of platform users will never be disclosed. However, in a way that is not identified and disconnected from users and visitors, the related data may eventually be used for the purpose of advertising the platform, generating real examples of its use.


Finally, data disclosure may also occur as long as it is required by law, for compliance with GROWYX policies or for the protection, security or exercise of rights on the Platform.

7) Your rights as a data subject

Finally, it is important to mention that you, the data subject, have your rights guaranteed by GROWYX, as provided for in the General Data Protection Law, such as:

  • Confirmation that there is one or more data processing being carried out

  • Access to personal data stored concerning you

  • Correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated personal data

  • Elimination of unnecessary excessive personal data or if its treatment is unlawful

  • Data portability to another service or product provider, subject to commercial and industrial secrets

  • Deletion of data (except when the treatment is legal, even without the consent of the holder)

  • Confirmation that there is one or more data processing being carried out

  • Information about sharing your data with public and private entities, if any

  • Information about non-consent, that is, about the option not to authorize the treatment and the consequences of the refusal

  • Complaint against the data controller to the national authority

  • Opposition if you disagree with a treatment carried out without your consent and consider it irregular

Finally, it is important to mention that you, the data subject, have your rights guaranteed by GROWYX, as provided for in the General Data Protection Law, such as:

  • Confirmation that there is one or more data processing being carried out

  • Access to personal data stored concerning you

  • Correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated personal data

  • Elimination of unnecessary excessive personal data or if its treatment is unlawful

  • Data portability to another service or product provider, subject to commercial and industrial secrets

  • Deletion of data (except when the treatment is legal, even without the consent of the holder)

  • Confirmation that there is one or more data processing being carried out

  • Information about sharing your data with public and private entities, if any

  • Information about non-consent, that is, about the option not to authorize the treatment and the consequences of the refusal

  • Complaint against the data controller to the national authority

  • Opposition if you disagree with a treatment carried out without your consent and consider it irregular

8) Deletion of data

In case of lack of interest or need to delete the user's registration on the Growyx platform, the user must send their request through the link: In the service, which will occur within 24 hours after the user's manifestation, the user's personal, professional and financial information will be permanently deleted from the Growyx platform. On the platform, only the user's internal identifier will remain for historical purposes.

It is worth mentioning that the protection of commercial data collected by GROWYX is better specified in the Terms of Use, in the chapter called CONFIDENTIALITY RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN GROWYX AND THE USER.

In case of lack of interest or need to delete the user's registration on the Growyx platform, the user must send their request through the link: In the service, which will occur within 24 hours after the user's manifestation, the user's personal, professional and financial information will be permanently deleted from the Growyx platform. On the platform, only the user's internal identifier will remain for historical purposes.

It is worth mentioning that the protection of commercial data collected by GROWYX is better specified in the Terms of Use, in the chapter called CONFIDENTIALITY RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN GROWYX AND THE USER.

Idea Spaces Palacio Sotto Mayor, Lisbon, Portugal

Idea Spaces Palacio Sotto Mayor, Lisbon, Portugal